Cultural Differences

B • IVF Mama '22 🌈 | 3 rounds IVF | 5 embryo transfers 👼❌️❌️👶👶

I see we have women from all over the world! It's so amazing to experience this process with you all.

If you feel comfortable sharing, what are some differences in your care that you've noticed?

I've been in these groups for awhile and have had the privilege of learning so much along the way. For example, in Japan women have a curtain drawn between them and the doctor when getting treatment (paps to <a href="">IVF</a>). In Germany, embryos are frozen at the pn stage (about 24 hours after fertilization). In India, its illegal to know the gender. In the US, PGT is pushed more than in any other country.

I think these are just fascinating. If you're willing, please share your experiences or differing things you've noticed.