My unease about the election

Salena 🌞 • 31 - Dinkwad - Atheist - Veg*n - Pansexual

This isn't going to be a post about Trump and Biden. Though instead why the election especially this polarizing election doesn't help with my negative feelings. I'm the type of person who doesn't get anxiety about anything and I think that still holds true about the election it is what it is whoever happens to be the president for the next 4 years. That being said when I sit and watch these election results come in I still get unsettling feelings. I've already been trying to pull myself out of a depression the last couple months so this doesn't help.

I was attempting to put my own feelings into thoughts and words on why the election makes me feel this way and figured I would share some of this reasoning.

- America is so polarized. Maybe that's the way it always has been and always will be. Though when I think of all the things that are important to me and then see that at least half the country has the exact opposite belief it is a bit crushing.

- The electoral college needs to go. It is beyond outdated and I think most people would agree on this. It is actually pretty sad to see states go blue or red when in reality a lot of the states are much closer to 50/50. It is also actually much easier for people in rural areas to vote now vs populated areas which works against what the electoral college was even put in place for.

- So many people just don't vote... I understand it can feel like the votes don't matter and a lot of people just don't care either way. Even in an election with record turn outs there is easily another 70,000,000 adults in America who just didn't vote. Which is quite frankly just sad in my opinion.

- Our entire voting system is still just terribly flawed. As far as the 2 party system and only voting for one candidate. As well as how complicated the registering/voting process still actually is. As well as how different it is state by atate. I think it will continue to improve though still no where as near as quickly as it should.

- "It's just 4 years." This is something I think to help calm the unease but at the same time it can cause unease. As how much can the president get done in 4 years. My biggest concern is passing legislation that has impacts on the environment when we are already at such a critical point where we need to help the environment.

- This point rolls in with the last point as the president is more a person of appearance than a person of power. A person who is suppoused to speak for the people as viewed by the rest of the world. Though also sets this societal standard that could have an impact for years to come even after the presidency. When that person portrays the opposite of everything you stand for and encourages the polarized half of the country who agrees with him that is scary.

I think that is all I have to say for now really. I could add reasons of why both Trump and Biden specifically becoming president the next 4 years also add to my unease. Though when it comes down to it is what it is. Just have to remember that even though the votes and beleifs are polarizing when it comes down to it most people are your average decent person and life goes on...

This post was more just to put my own thoughts on unease into words. Though if you do read it or have thoughts of your own. Just want to comment about election unease whatever feel free.