Periods after miscarriage


I had a miscarriage in feb of 2020 at around 9 weeks. It was unplanned and we considered abortion but before we could decide I naturally had a miscarriage.. I know it wasn’t planned but I had got attached and completely heartbroken because I’ve always wanted to be a mother. My issue now is that everytime my period comes I get overwhelming sadness and the physical period symptoms remind me of the miscarriage pains. How do I help ease this emotional distress during the most emotional time of the month? It’s causing issues with me and my BF because I withdrawal and get moody and have a bad attitude. My bf isn’t ready for another child (he has one from a previous relationship) and I desperately want one so I don’t feel I should keep sharing how much it hurts my feelings that I don’t have one. Because I’m not financially ready for one either, I just want to be a mother as I’m 25 and I was raised to raise babies, if that makes sense.