Pregnancy loss and faith?

**Jasmine**👓 • Jasmine. 30. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👼🏻👼🏻🌈👼🏻🌈🤰🏻

I just want to know how/why people tend to become more religious or cling to their faith/god when they’ve suffered a miscarriage/stillbirth/etc??

I’ve had 3 miscarriages in my life. 5/23/2016- 10 weeks we had seen an ultrasound with healthy baby’s heartbeat. 3/30/2018 should’ve been 6 weeks-ultrasound showed no baby/heartbeat. 11/2/2020- 11 weeks saw baby’s heartbeat twice at 8 and 9 weeks.

I just don’t understand how anyone can suffer something so terrible and still have such faith in a “loving” god who would allow something like this to happen to them.

*this is not meant to be an argument or bashing anyone. I am angry at the entire world and am genuinely curious how people can be so forgiving and still be religious after stuff like this.


to say that I am not religious. I was raised in church, I was very much brought up believing in god and my family is still big on religion. I have nothing against anyone choosing however they choose to live their lives. Just wanted others’ opinions. ❤️ thank you!