Here It is. Reach out


⚠️ this is a sad topic about my pregnancy and miscarriage ⚠️

If you are still here I assume you’ve either been through a miscarriage or are just a kind person. It’s been nearly 3 months since I lost my baby that I tried a solid year straight for. I have been losing track of time and honestly I nearly forgot the name of this app.. and I felt like tonight I would stream as I always do on twitch but I wanted to offer someone to talk too... I wanted to share my story and provide people someone who you can SPEAK to SEE and watch share their vulnerable moments... You don’t have to tell me who you are.. it doesn’t even have to be about a child loss tell me about your relationship issues etc. I just... I get it. I stream a lot of gaming time but never a real family cozy stream... so tune in. And if this isn’t aloud I apologize!

My twitch is: LunaPepper