Does he still have to pay?

So my finance and I were planning our marriage and at the same time trying to figure out why we haven't turned out pregnant after a yr and a half of no protection. We decided to go get checked just to kinda figured things out as in why and what kind of treatments would be available because all this takes time of course. And so we found out that he has low motility rate from the semen analysis he had. And that it would be difficult for us to conceive without help. Not impossible but difficult as the obgyn said. So before actually becoming one and also being accounted for in his court ordered child support started to think what if the child he is paying (and also not getting any visitation because of bitter BM) isn't really his.🤔🤔🤔 I told him i would feel better if he got tested and showed proof that there is a possibility that the child isn't his? (plus she didn't allow him to be part of the pregnancy nor birth btw) he was upset when I told him that I wasn't okay with taking on that responsibility with me hanging on to that. We got in touch with his social worker and she responded saying that she will submit the work in work things to be arranged and that he'll get the paperwork in the mail. With that being said if it turns out he's the father then I'm okay with marrying into that. If it turns out he's not i told him I want him to see how to dismiss the court ordered child support for the child that isn't his. And i told Im okay with him still being a part of the child's life and give the BM a certain amount but without the law over his head. Am I wrong for that? And what are the chances that the court order would be dismissed if she lied telling him he's that father when in reality he's not?🤔