EBF needing to pump to start a stash


Hello! I EBF but plan on going back to work soon. I would like to pump and give my baby bottled breast milk. My son eats for about 8 minutes, four minutes each side, and favors my right side more (I have no clue why). I know he is getting enough because he doesn’t show signs of hunger after eating and is gaining weight properly and has plenty of dirty diapers.

My issue is that when I pump I seriously feel like no milk comes out! Idk if my body is just not reacting to the pump or what. I make sure to be relaxed and hydrated and look at pictures of my baby to increase let down but still I’m not getting enough out! I have all new pump pieces, charged pump batteries, correct size flanges.

I’ve been doing one pump session at night after he goes to sleep but I only get like 4 oz. my baby is almost 5 months old! He needs more than that.

Any ideas or tips? TIA!