When does “helping” hurt? So confused


I guess this is mostly to vent, but also seeking advice from moms who may be/have been in a similar situation. Baby girl was born two days ago and all of her test results and everything have been perfect since she got her. Yesterday, she had vomited up what looked like bile and the nursery doctor arranged for her to be sent to the NICU at the children’s hospital an hour and a half away to rule out a severe GI problem. I was discharged about the same time so I could be there with her. They had put her on antibiotics just in case there was an infection, and they have to keep her on them for at least 48 hours while they wait for cultures. So even after all the tests came back normal (including preliminary bloodwork) she has to stay in NICU for 3 days. The worst part of it all is that she’s supposed to be breastfed, but she hasn’t been allowed to eat at all for over 24 hours. They’re giving her IV fluids, but they had to give her a pacifier for comfort since they won’t let her eat. I’m at a total loss for what to do. My husband and I have been sent through a whirlwind trying to find help for taking care of our toddler and making sure we’re there for our new baby. It feels like we got scared into doing something that was completely unnecessary and now our sweet girl is suffering and there’s nothing we can do. I know it could be something so much worse and they wanted to be proactive in making sure everything was okay, but it feels like at this point it’s doing more to hurt her than help her.