Advice.. crazy lady, crazy family..

My babies “dad” has gotten back with his other babies mother. Normally I wouldn’t care, he can be with whoever. I don’t have feelings for him in any way shape or form. My only problem is, this woman (who has 4 kids only 1 is his) wished nothing but negativity towards my pregnancy and unborn baby, even going to say wished for miscarriage, wanting someone else to “end” my pregnancy and asked him to hit my stomach etc. Therefore no I do not trust him, or his family (they’ve been negative about it too). So there is 0% of me who wants them to be apart of my child’s life, my child’s well being and safety matters more to me than him knowing that part of his family. I feel like I’m doing the best thing but i know they could always take me to court (if they can afford it). He doesn’t work and is nowhere near as stable as I am in life whatsoever (drugs, no vehicle, no job, lies etc).

What would happen if court did happen?

What are the chances he would get partial custody?

How would I go about fighting this in the future?

My baby is due in March, but I want to be prepared for anything and everything..

side note they was NOT together when we hooked up.