So now I’m stressing😖

Michelle (mamabear)

My LO is 17 weeks old. She’s a chunky girl, and has been sleeping through the night since she was about 7 weeks old. Obviously with some wonky nights here and there, but usually consistently sleeping well. We transitioned out of her swaddle a week ago, shes now only in a sleep sac. She’s been waking in the night since. Ive been trying to settle her without feeding-but it just doesn’t work. She seems legitimately hungry. She went down at 7:30, eating 4-5 ounces, then ate TEN OUNCES at 2am. Ten!! I had made her 6oz, she guzzled those down and still wouldn’t settle-so I made four more-she downed those and then konked out. She then slept til 6:30. I messaged my her pediatrician-because she doesn’t have her four month appointment until the 20th. She said that she technically shouldn’t “need” that night feeding, and that I might be creating a bad habit to break later, which is what I was worried about. And her ped isn’t out of touch. She’s close to my age, very caring, very supportive, and has three kiddos of her own. So I trust her. And that’s why now I’m torn. Everywhere I read it seems like others are going through this. So it seems developmentally appropriate. I just don’t want to create a night time feeding dependency. I’m going to keep feeding her if she seems hungry. I just can’t deny her food, and I won’t. Guess I’ll just keep trying to settle her other wise first, then see where that goes. 🤷🏻‍♀️