What is your story about accepting your faith?

(Any religion)

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I grew up in church since 2010, I was 12 years old. I never really had a relationship with God although I went to church 3-4 times a week. It wasn't until I was 18 when i went to a conference that I started reading the Bible and praying. After that I felt like I had a relationship with God for the first time. I was so obsessed with God. I listened to sermons all the time and read the Bible in its entirety. Since then I haven't been to church in a while due to personal issues but I am not afraid to pray. I feel safe knowing that God is always with me. I'm so thankful that my mom raised me in church.


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I came to trust in Jesus when God dangled me and my self-righteousness over the flames and I had no way of escape or way to get to God until I saw Jesus in all His glory, bearing all my sins upon the cross!