Spotting during ovulation or implantation

So my last period was October 22-26 and had sex on the 31st with a condom plus pull out (no holes found that Ik of and it was a day before my fertile window .

we were extra safe .This came out of me on my predicted ovulation day 6ish days after sex or so there was the tiniest bit of blood within this mucus that reminds me of ovulation discharge (I think)

I’ve never had this before or maybe I have and didn’t notice .

The camera couldn’t even pick up on it but it was like a line of bright blood. I’m getting nervous it is implantation???

(I only got this spot once and that was it since then btw it’s not 11 days until period)

My other symptoms were cramping and crying a lot but I get that normally around this time but I notice an increase in cramping .