Why is choosing a name so hard 😩


We cannot agree. I swear this baby will be called “it” until they are 2 months old.

With our first child, we already had a girl’s named picked out from years ago. It was so easy, then we found out she’s a girl and it was *the* name. Just perfect.

We’re not finding out the gender this time around and we cannot find even one name that had the same impact as the first.

I thought I had a win last night with “Willow” except husband said “yeah, I really like Willow! It’s a good boy’s name” but I would only use it for a girl 😭 so he laughed at me. Every suggestion is just shrugged off by both of us because it’s not quite right. I swear I have read through MILLIONS of names!!!!!!

Any other mamas in the same boat? It is so strange not having a name pinned to this baby like last time 🤯