My sister hates me

And I think I’m okay with that. She’s older than me and I swear on my life that since I was able to form sentences she has been griping to me about the same abusive guy, giving him excuses and participating in constant drama with him that includes other women.

I think the only thing he hasn’t done is hit her unless she just hasn’t told me about that. The only violence I’m aware of comes from the other women he cheats on her with, she fights them and they’re crazy as hell and the police get involved. It’s insane.

It’s a cycle. She believes she can’t love anyone else like she loves him and when she tries, it’s like she tries extremely hard to find anything wrong with this new person so that she can do back to this ugly flea bag man.

Anyways almost 2 DECADES of hearing about the same guy and their drama over and over again I flat out told her to stop and that it was driving me crazy. I’m all out of advice, she has officially asked for 4,098 of my opinions and I’m opinioned out. I’m TIRED of hearing about this door knob MAN CHILD

Either marry him and stfu or never speak to him again for gods sake you cannot live your whole life like this. It doesn’t matter WHAT I say, I have said all I can possibly say and more! I just had to tell her to stop talking to me about it.

Yes she’s in therapy and has been in therapy for years and has even done therapy with him but it has helped nothing.

And for gods sake. The man is hideous, inside and out. He needs to take a fucking shower. He stank. I have never once understood the attraction, even when I was a young child I thought he was ugly and I thought maybe he was just ugly because he was in his awkward teen years but now he’s in his 40s and he still ugly as hell and clearly lacks basic hygiene.

She’s decided that if she can’t rant to me about flea bag that she won’t be my sister anymore.

Like okay I didn’t know he was required for that but it’s cool.