Husband giving me silent treatment on my birthday

My husband got mad at me two days ago because I asked him to not take naps in the middle of the day anymore when I need help with our four kids. Ever since that conversation, I say conversation because I never raised my voice, he got really mad at me initially and told me that he works and I get to stay at home with the kids all day so he should be able to naps when ever he wants and he won’t ask for my permission to do so. He yelled at me about it again after the kids went to bed that night,

told me to leave him the fuck alone, that I’ve changed and he’s sick of me telling him what to do so he’s just going to do what he wants. He has been giving me the silent treatment since it happened. That was two days ago.

He knows today is my birthday. He heard my sister call to wish me a happy birthday today and saw the cake she sent me sitting in the kitchen. All of our family lives a 13 hour drive away and because I’m a SAHM I haven’t made friends in our new city.

He took my car to work this morning, he likes it more, but to not acknowledge my birthday and then take my car so I can’t do anything all day? And no he isn’t the kind of guy to come home with flowers and a gift to surprise me. What do I do? I feel so so sad which I know is silly because I’m a grown up and birthdays aren’t a big deal but this hurts. I asked him if he wanted me to leave or wanted a divorce during our last talk two days ago and he told me no, that that wouldn’t make him happy.

What would you do in this situation?