Braxton Hicks


UPDATE: I called my midwife and she said it was okay and just my uterus exercising. I’m resting now and trying to stay calm while sipping water. She recommended an epsom salt bath, but I can’t do that while my husband is at work so maybe later. Also apparently taking calcium-magnesium could help (Natural Calm is a preferred brand in the US) so I’m going to try that.

I’m 17 weeks and 1 day with my second baby and for the past few days I’ve experienced a tightening/hardening in my lower belly and uterus area. At first I thought it was just the baby moving around, but I’m thinking that’s not the case. I never experienced BH in my first pregnancy. They’re not painful, but it is uncomfortable. Nothing helps them as it happens whether I’m hungry or fed, thirsty or not, resting or taking care of my toddler. Is this normal? It seems early to experience them. We have a midwife this time because the pandemic makes a hospital birth a potential nightmare and she said I can call her anytime, but I’ve only had an OB and I don’t want to bother her if it’s NBD.

Are BH normal this early in pregnancy? I have them several times a day now.