Husband "attacked" me in his sleep

My husband and I have been together over a decade and he is great - very loving and no hints of violent behavior at all.

He is a heavy sleeper and doesn't wake easily. He often says things while seemingly awake that he doesn't remember later. Last night, we were watching TV in bed and he fell asleep. I leaned over his body to grab the remote and turn off the TV. It woke up him and he FREAKED out, thrashing blindly, twisting and yelling. Completely out of no where. He grabbed both of my hands by the wrists and started pulling and twisting violently. It hurt a lot. I have three finger sized bruises this morning and my wrists are sore.

I shouted at him and he eventually woke up fully after about 30 seconds. He says he doesn't remember anything before waking up to me yelling. He is very apologetic and feels terrible.

I fully believe it wasn't intentional, but I still feel jumpy beside him in bed now. I am afraid of him doing that again if I accidently wake him. I just feel uneasy about it. Nothing like that has ever happened before. Am I crazy for being jumpy?