My boyfriend is giving me the silent treatment after I took care of our daughter instead of having sex with him

My boyfriend (age 35) literally gets so upset/ mad if we do not have sex DAILY. He gets upset if I spend a certain amount of time on my phone and will literally not talk to me all day if he feels like I’m not giving him attention.

I could make him dinner, fold his laundry, cuddle and watch a movie with him, and take care of our daughter so he doesn’t have to- and he will still treat me like I don’t exist if there isn’t sex involved.

Yesterday he wanted to have sex during the day. I told him I had to work and we could last night. He started being short and rude with me all night. Then our baby spiked a fever so I had to take care of her and she and I went to bed a little early.

Well this morning he like will not talk to me. I’ve tried and tried to initiate conversation and he just says one word or nothing at all. He does this CONSTANTLY. My sex drive is so low right now (probably because he makes it feel like a chore when he does this) but I still manage to try and be intimate with him at LEAST every other day. He doesn’t do anything to fulfill my love language.

Is this a normal guy thing? I don’t know what to do. I wish he understood that I do love him but sometimes I need to do other things and we just can’t have sex every day.

Please give me advice because my feelings are so hurt