Mom & Boyfriend issues.


Sooooo recently I just started seeing someone. He’s a really great and kind guy. Just a very sweet soul all together. However I live with my Mother who I fully support because she is “saving money to move”, though I know she doesn’t want to leave because she wants to be right up me and my 1 year old son’s ass all day every day, anyways my Mother has just made it her personal task to ruin my relationship even though my s/o has been nothing but kind to her, me and my son. It’s bumming my s/o out so bad today he told me he doesn’t want to be around when she’s home which is literally every day. 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️ I really just don’t know what to do and I don’t want to loose him but I can’t exactly kick my mother out and I know he wouldn’t want me to do that for him regardless. Ugh s.o.s !!!