UPDATE: Am i being too hard on my ex?

Hey ladies,so a few weeks ago I posted on here about how my ex has went and met up with his ex, and was lying and making all types of excuses, and said all types of hurtful things to me. I was asking for advice and most of you said to go with my gut, break off the engagement and let the relationship go. Well a few days ago I found out I am pregnant. I’m not too ecstatic, honestly. I’m on birth control, so I obviously was trying to prevent this type of thing. And I definitely do not wanna bring a child into this situation. Anyway, I told him about it after I explained to him why I changed the locks (he took all of his things and moved back in with his family two hours away), he said his name is still on the lease so I can’t tell him he can’t come and go as he pleases. My thing is, if you left me here alone, three months after moving me hours away from all of my friends and family, why do you need to be here? I’m not really sure what I’m gonna do yet, because I don’t personally support abortion (however you can do as you please) but I also don’t want a baby right now. So I think I’m leaning more toward adoption, in fact I have a family member that’s been trying for years and I know they’re been trying to adopt. So I think that’s what I’ll end up doing. But he keeps calling and texting me, so I blocked him, then he started calling from his grandparents phone, so I ended up putting my phone on DND and it’s been like that for three days. He told me yesterday that he already started talking to someone else. And the reason I’ve tried to get him out of my life is because whether I decide to keep the baby or not, I don’t need any extra stress or any more heartbreak and that’s all he’s been contributing to my life lately. So I think the best thing for myself is to not talk to, see him or have him added on any social media. He says he should be apart of the process whether he’s not living here anymore or not and we should try to get back together. But I feel like the damage is done. Get back together for what? For a year from now you tell me that you’re miserable with me again, and leave me again, except this time I’ll have a whole kid to take care of essentially by myself? Anyway, am I being too hard on him? Should I try talking to him?

UPDATE: I just talked to him and said “I don’t want a kid, I want access to you. And if getting back with you and becoming a father is how I get it, that’s fine. But I really don’t wanna be bothered with that.” Wtf does that mean??