I am so mad at my siblings I don’t want to tell them I’m pregnant


My sister and brother have not been taking the pandemic seriously at all. Our parents are both extremely high risk and I’ve been telling my siblings to stay the fuck away from them since March but they won’t listen to me. Covid will absolutely kill my parents if they get it, they both have existing lung problems.

My idiot sister’s entire family got Covid, spread it to everyone at the bank she works with, her husband’s officemate, her daughter’s boyfriend and his brother and the dumbass was in my mom’s house the week before she tested positive.

My brother was exposed by a friend he had to his house last Thursday, went to my parents’ Friday and found out that he was exposed on Saturday.

My mom keeps telling them not to come inside but my Dad is one of those “manly men” that thinks he’s too tough to get Covid so he keeps letting them in.

Anyway. I found out a couple weeks ago I’m pregnant and was planning to tell my immediate family on thanksgiving (via phone, we’re not stupid enough to be socializing during a global pandemic) but I honestly don’t want to tell my siblings. I am too mad at them right now to allow them into my happiness.

Fucking dumbasses.