6 month old sleep support

My 6 month old has been waking every 30 mins or so for the past 2 weeks. Prior to this he never slept well but it's got much worse and I'm exhausted. He goes down well almost on his own but from being tired not wide awake. At some points in the night he is looking for playtime and it takes at least an hour to get him back off. We have a good daytime routine feeds at 7am, 11am, 3pm, 6.45pm and 11pm. With naps at 9am (35mins) 12pm (2 hours supported by me) and 4.15pm (45 mins usually supported by me holding him). Bedtime is 7pm and is normally asleep by 7 15pm.

Any advice on how I can improve his night time sleep and if possible allow all naps to be unsupported?