Son not sleeping


My son just turned 7 months. He was a great sleeper since he was a month old and I took that for granted. When he turned 4 months, he went thru sleep regression + learned how to roll so the constant rolling around the bed that woke him up all the time added to the problem. He wasn't getting sleep so I carried him and he slept great. I thought I'd do it for a bit since he is having trouble sleeping. Couple weeks later, he started sleeping a little better then boom, he went thru another leap, started teething really bad and had a mild ear infection. This time he would not let us put him down. He would know when we would try to put him down and he would start crying hysterically. After getting treatment, I thought hopefully this is it..hopefully, he would go back to sleeping thru the night again. Then boom, he got his first cold. We were miserable for over 2 weeks and I did the same thing I have been doing for 3 months now-- carry him to sleep.

I have created a bad habit. He also don't nap anywhere but his swing (which I still have to completely surpervise him, so I can't really do anything). Other than that he has to be held ALL THE TIME.

He is almost all good from his cold. I love this little boy so much and the thought of having to hear him cry literally breaks my heart. However, I really would like to sleep on my back and be able to do stuff around the house.

I am working nights as a nurse, doing online college and the only family we have around are my inlaws who also both work so no one can really help us out to give me a little break.

I am determined to sleep train him asap. I have tried the no tears method but as you can see, it's not working. I am willing to try Ferber but the thought of letting him cry and hearing him cry already makes me want to just curl into a ball and feel guilt deep thru my bones.

How do I this mommies? How will I be able to survive 3-5 days of this? He used to suck on his thumb but he doesn't do that now and he doesn't care about his pacifiers even when I put him down. I am just beyond exhausted.

Tips please 😭😭😭😭