It kinda feels like polygomy

Soo I had an post about 2 months ago with me being in an 7 yr relationships but I also been cheating with someone for 3 months which is still my current boyfriend and I got pregnant by my side piece. I was 4 weeks I had an misscarrage but now I'm 2 days late now. The guy I been cheating with knew about the pregnancy and didn't even question if it was his. My boyfriend I live with was happy but it was weird because it wasn't his and I wasn't going to tell him. And if I am pregnant now I'm not going to tell him its not his I'm 32yrs old and he's way older than me. We don't have sex like that and i mark on my calender which one I have sex with. I can't leave the other guy alone. And he's crazy about me. Has anyone been through anything like this?

-This is true I tried to stop dealing with him but gets upset when I don't see him when im suppose to and we don't have sex enough he gets mad and we argue. Sometimes I think he might act stupid with me but I know he loves me.. I know he does. I'm assuming my boyfriend of 7 yrs do know I'm cheating. I know this is wrong and also my side boyfriend don't care at all about my other boyfriend as he shouldn't. I do love them both that's what makes it so hard😢😢

😐UPDATE😐 IM ALSO WITH MY BOYFREND NEPHEW I been having sex with him since last summer he lives down the street from me.. He's 30yrs old.. I have an good time with him we always laugh all the time but we do have good sex too..

--Its not that bad at all actually.. I'm hoping the nephew come over today or I'll just hit him up for him to come over. It's like you get an pleasure out of having who you want. I could have more men if I want. Even if my main man find out I'm cheating he's not going no where hell he probably won't even beleive it