Blood draws are annoying AF


Ugh, trying to be sneaky and do my hcg blood draws before telling my husband we are pregnant and they did a crap draw and the bruising is getting worse as through day goes on. 🙄 guess I'm sleeping in long sleeves tonight. After waiting over an hour and a half for them to let me inside the building (covid protocols keep you waiting outside or in your car) and finally draw my blood you would think they eould have at least done a good job. And yay I have to go back to them on Wednesday and they advised me the wait will likely be longer since its one of their "busy days" and there's no way to make an appt or register early. Grrrrrrr. Pregnancy hormones make me so grumpy and annoyed by every little thing but this honestly is super tender and I really want to make this surprise announcement special and am trying so hard to keep it secret for now.