One year old acting out - is this normal

So at first we thought teething and second we thought sleep regression or growth spurt. So the for the past two maybe three weeks she’s fighting every nap she won’t go down till she cries herself to sleep and it’s heart breaking. She even started refusing bottles completely in bed which is how she has always taken it. And on top of that she screams at us about everything when she wants something & when we take something away. It’s non stop screaming, she will point and say that and just scream until we give her it but I don’t want this to become a habit she is good communicator and already knows a hand full of words this just started and isn’t normal for her. I’m to the point about bringing back her pacifier or something it’s so exhausting and mentally draining cause it makes us feel like we are failing her. I feel like we are in the terrible twos already 🤦🏼‍♀️ I am 7 weeks pregnant could this be because of that ? If you have tips if this is normal on how to deal or ride this out would be greatly appreciated