Dear “friend”

You were there for me a lot of times. You showered me with gifts, perhaps we’re the only one that made big deals out of my birthday, and you were amazing to me. What happened to you? You became arrogant and big headed. You think you’re better than everyone. You shame fat people... In front of me when I was overweight... while at one point you were obese. You blamed your friends for your obesity. How could we not tell you that you were fat? You threw it in our face when you finally got skinny. You were the “alpha” friend. You knew all of our secrets and you only selected a few of us to share yours with. Even though I think I knew the most. You knew you could tell me because I would never tell. When your husband cheated and you blamed the woman.... I stood by you. When my boyfriend cheated you encouraged the woman to become my friend again. When I would catch you stealing from others you would tell me to mind my own business. I was so naive to listen to you. When you stole from me I still forgave you. Why? When you verbally abused me I forgave you. I was scared of you for so long. You hurt me again and again and I still longed for your approval. I still longed for your friendship. I never agreed to how you treated others. I never agreed to how you acted like your royalty. When I left your birthday party early because I had been up since 3am because I actually have a job, you told me I needed to try harder for our friendship. When you left my get togethers early you told me I needed to understand you and your situation. Everything has always been so one sided with you. I don’t understand how I was your friend for so long. I’m still waiting for my apology for the last thing you did to me yet you told your mom to tell me I had to apologize to you lol. I can’t take this anymore. I miss the old you. When you were actually down to earth and actually cared about your friends. Now I’m pregnant and I can’t share this exciting news with you anymore because I’m removing you from my life because you are too toxic for me and this baby. I will miss you... but I realize I will only miss the memories.