Dating someone with Asperger’s syndrome

Does your guy ever just tell you things you don’t want to hear about his exes and stuff

And does he act odd when you give him presents? I bought my boyfriend 315$ shoes ( I don’t even buy myself things that expensive) for his birthday to replace some ones that were stolen and as soon as he opened them he said “those looks familiar” continued to open them “these are the wrong size” they were apparently a half a size too big. I didn’t know. I looked at his work shoes and asked one of his best friends and his grandma. I don’t usually buy expensive presents like that but when he was parked outside of my house his shoes got stolen out of his car that night. (Which is also the only night he has ever left them in his car, and didn’t want them to get messed up in the rain). Am I bad for being sad that was his first response?

I went and got in the shower and tried to be alone and he eventually came in and said he loved them but now I don’t want to do Christmas presents. Does that make me wrong?