Should I?

My bf isn’t happy. He has no family here besides his older brother and he says that he hates his life. We’ve been tight on money and he says he wants to move to start a new life. He says he wants to take me with him but he can’t. My parents and 2 siblings live here not including my extended family. Besides family I don’t really have anything tying me to the city. We’ve always talked about moving to another state but only for a year. I think he just wants something different than the life we have here. We’re currently living with my parents because our apartment lease was up this past weekend and we were supposed to tour another apartment tomorrow. But now he’s second guessing it and thinking about moving.

He’s honestly the only thing that makes me happy. I don’t love my job, my career is on hold, and the best part of my day is coming home to him and my dog. I’ve never done anything like this before and my anxiety kicks in just thinking about it but I do hate my life here too. 2 years ago I became suicidal and felt depressed and since then I haven’t felt happy so maybe moving to a new place and kind of staying over would help. I’ve been with this guy for almost 8 years and I love him very much. He’s hurting by staying here and ik he’s not content staying in this city. But my best friend lives here and yeah we can always talk, text or zoom but it’s not the same. Would it be such a bad idea? I’m 25 btw and so is he.

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