Husband Depression

Just curious if anyone else has any experience with this? Normally my husband is pretty easy going and not a whole lot bothers him and he is very excited to be a father. In the last 3 months of my pregnancy though a lot of stresses hit us. His mother was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and his job went through some major changes that has made him feel very burnt out and overwhelmed at work. Now that our little girl is here he's good with her and helps when I ask him, but overall I feel he has just pulled away emotionally and is struggling with the new "normal" of lack of sleep and a newborn that constantly wants to be held. I really feel for him because I know he's trying to deal with it all but it's making me very nervous to go back to work next week. I'll need his help more at night so I can get some sleep where currently I take care of her myself for the most part. I know dad's can get post partum depression as well but I feel like no one really talks about it and I don't know how to help him.