Yikes bad phone call with neighbor πŸ•πŸ•


So we have lived in our home for about 2 years and we know a few of our neighbors some better then others. There is one family we do not know very well their home is next door. We all have a few acres and are pretty spread out so not like we see eachother much. I have met the wife she even gave my son bubbles for his birthday. We buy fundraiser stuff for sports from their kids. Christmas I dropped off homemade Baileys and cookies. We have had no bad interactions.

Today their hunting dogs were on our deck. I went outside and they gave me lots of kisses. Their dogs have never been in our yard before. So I called the number on the collars.

This is how the conversation went:

Me: Hi we live on the same road and are neighbors just letting you know your dogs are out and about and are in our yard.

Neighbor: I cannot confirm or deny where I live. Why aren't my dogs in their fenced in yard?

Me: ok well we live right next door to you. Your number is on your dogs collars and so I thought I'd let you know where they are.

Neighbor: I'll have to ask my wife where my dogs are.

Me: OK, sounds good they are running around. They seem like good dogs very sweet. Have a good day.

Neighbor: ya ok

So I really thought I was being nice considering their dogs were taking dumps in my yard as we spoke... I really have no problems with them. Just know how odd it was for their dogs to be out and free roaming in the country lol...I couldn't walk over and bring them their dogs, I had a toddler inside eating lunch and our homes are pretty spread out so it would have been difficult as I am pregnant with a toddler trying to coral up two huge dogs lol...like did I do the right thing? If my pets were out and I didn't know I guess I would have appreciated a phone call? Is that weird?