Anyone else’s LO’s still waking up at night to feed?


My son is 4.5 months, ebf and he has always gotten up every 2 to 4 hours to feed. At his 4 month appointment his pediatrician said that at his age and weight (18.5 lbs) he should be sleeping at least 5 to 6 hours straight without waking to feed and that it’s probably a comfort thing and to just give him a binky.

The other night he went to bed around 8pm, he woke up at 1230am to feed. I just gave him a binky and rocked him a little. He ended up falling back asleep. I woke up at 330am super scared bc he had a blanket next to him that I forgot to remove (I usually give him the blanket so he can sniff but I’ll take it away once he’s asleep). He must’ve heard me get up to check on him and woke up. I figured he’s gone from 8pm to 330am w/o nursing which is a lot for him so I fed him. Then he was up every 2 hours after that until we got up for the day 😫

Also advice on the blanket situation. He loves sniffing his blanket before bed but will literally put the whole thing over his face sometimes! He has never liked being swaddled and I’m trying to get him used to a sleep sack but sometimes he will cry and kick like crazy until I unzip him. Last night I just put him into some warm clothes and put the heater on but then it got too hot so I turned it off then it got too cold and he started crying and his hands were super cold so I brought him into my bed (sometimes I’ll bring him into my bed in the morning to nurse him and we sleep in a little). Basically we are all over the place. I feel like maybe we need more structure but I just cave into everything he wants. Like the nursing at night and holding him for naps ... I don’t mind too much bc I like holding him and cuddling him, but I feel like I have to get my life back soon ...

Also for those of you who have your babies in a separate room do they wake up less or the same number of times as they did before you moved them?

Sorry for the long post.