It makes me want to set shit on fire

One of my coworkers lacks in hygiene. People would talk about her behind her back. She’s worked there for years and people know her and have been to her house and know she’s married and has a shower at home.

But she’s not showering, you can tell. Her hair is greasy, her face has acne and is greasy and she smells really bad even from a few feet away.

The way they talk about her got to me but then our boss straight up told her that it’s embarrassing to have her as an employee because she looks gross and she got so upset from this she actually got sick. She pretty much said take a shower or get fired. The way she went about this was wrong.

I think she’s depressed, I think she’s in survival mode. Go to work and eat so you don’t die. Go to work so you can pay your bills and stay warm.

But showering is not necessary for survival. Dressing nice is not necessary for survival.

Idk I think just listening to everyone talk shit about her for weeks while she works quietly possibly not even aware that she smells because she’s disassociated or something. Nobody offers help, they just make fun of her like we never grew out of the 5th grade. I may be looked down on for this but I went off on my boss about how she could very well be depressed and she could’ve just made it worse.

Man they were laughing in the office about her reaction to being told that having her as an employee was an embarrassment saying stuff like “she stinks like shit so I don’t know why she didn’t see it coming, nobody will even go near her.”

And I just snapped. I said you’re our boss and I would think part of Your job is looking out for us. If one of us is struggling I’d hope you’d reach out to us instead of shame us and make fun of us with your other employees. IM embarrassed to work FOR you.” And then “fucking hags” slipped out of my mouth as I walked back to my work station and I didn’t mean for that to come out verbally but my boss didn’t take action over it so maybe she knows I’m right. She is a fucking hag for doing this. I’m sorry but I was fucking MAD.

And then I went and told her boss after work. My bosses boss. Walked in, sat my ass down and explained the entire story. If this employee that’s obviously struggling gets fired I’m literally going to raise hell. I told her that too. I don’t know how I’m going to raise hell, but I will. You can’t fire people for being depressed. Someone has to offer her some way of getting help somehow as well.

I have BEEN there. I have been there where I wanted to disappear and just existing was hard enough and hygiene was not priority and going to work and keeping a stable job and paying bills made it so much harder and if someone had said that to me while I was in that state, already suicidal and suffering, told me that that I was an embarrassment to them.. It probably would have pushed me off the edge. This is why I’m so fucking pissed off.

I don’t care if I get fired. It’s not the only job that exists and I don’t want to work for people who thinks this behavior is ok.

Update: there’s gossip about my boss being fired and replaced

This employee, lets call her A, she still has her job.