

My dad watches my 6 month old while I work. Sometimes i work anywhere from 4pm-11pm or 1am-8am. Usually it’s been 11am-7pm. I started my LO on purees & such. I want to introduce an actual schedule instead of doing things all over the place at diff times. My dad basically said its impossible for him to follow a schedule bc it doesnt work like that & my baby will be like programmed like a robot or something. I was so excited to make a schedule & add fun activities like ‘storytime’ & making sure my son gets these activities in his daily routine but now i feel stupid & incompetent bc my dad didnt have me follow a schedule when i was young & i ‘turned out fine’. He makes me feel like i shouldnt try so hard but its MY baby’s life. He agreed to babysit so if i need my son to do a party dance (just a funny example) whenever he wakes up, my dad should respect my decision right? Idk pls give me advice😓