My postpartum journey ❤️

Nichelle • #mommieboss #babyM2020👣👼🏽💙 ✨ #mindsetmatters

Hey everyone I wanted to share my postpartum fitness journey. I still have a long way ahead of me but I’m proud of how far I’ve come. 7 years ago I decided to change my life and gain my freedom back by losing weight. I lost 104pds naturally. Over the years I kept majority off. Prior to me getting pregnant I finally reached my desired fitness goal. Welp here I’m again ready to kick it’s ass and gain everything that was meant for me. During this time I launched my company called girlfriendadvisor. We assist people with shifting mindset to achieve their desired goals in life. You’ll be amazed at what you can do when you’re in control of your mind! You can follow me on IG and FB @girlfriendadvisor stay tuned for free content that will help you where you are and gain success in every aspect of your life. Thank you for reading this post and participating in my journey! Let’s WIN together!!!✨✨✨