What gives.....?


Ok so I’m confused. I’m 10 days late and have come up with several BFN pregnancy tests over the last 10 days. Ive been spotting since Nov 21st. I went to the dr and they told me the test they gave me in their office is negative.

So of course my curiosity peaked to see if I just ovulated late and decided to pick up some tests. Looking at that test the first line looks close to the control line so am I’m going to ovulate soon or what the heck.

Idk if that’s even possible with me being 10 days late for AF. I’m absolutely lost. The dr didn’t give me any other possible ideas of why my period would be late or why I was spotting. Just chalked it up to a weird cycle.

Of course I’ve seen on here where people who get BFN pregnancy tests get close if not positive ovulation tests. And yes I’m aware that this is not the best method for testing for pregnancy but I’m at a lose now.