What do you pack for baby in hospital bag.


I feel like there is so many conflicting things about hospital bags.. and what goes in them. I also have no clue how anything goes and what I need once you get to hospital. It doesn't help that my mom wanted to be sweet and help pack my hospital bag with new stuff for a Christmas present but I'm 35 weeks on Thursday and that makes me nervous just not having it here. I also don't even know what clothes I'm gonna wear to and from, how do you even pack for something you're not sure.. like how long you'll be there or what. Not to mention what I should bring for hubby? How many outfits for the baby ? How many blankets ? What should he be dressed in coming home in January weather ? Ugh I'm so overwhlemed. Then trying to buy Christmas presents in the midst of all this is making me cry. I feel so overwhelmed and nervous.