Child with sever stomach pain


Has anyone had a child with something similar to maybe get answers *** we have been to the Dr and the ER**** so starting a littler over a week ago my 10 year old started getting a stomach ache (belly button area and around) with a headache suddenly. Since then they have gotten more frequent. We've tried treating her for dehydration (she wasn't ever dehydrated but worth a shot), acid reflux medicine, and even Tylenol in case she was starting her cycle. They got more and more frequent, still coming for about 30 mins- an hour and way worse pain. Starting this past Monday it has literally been many times a day and when they hit she literally curls up in a ball hysterically crying and shaking . The er has done bloodwork, urinalysis, ct scans, and ultrasounds. They are all normal. They know the pain is real because her blood pressure spikes when it happens. You can just see in her face when the pain starts coming back. She's been out of school all week and can't go back until this gets better. No appetite changes, fine with peeing and pooping, no fever, negative covid. Noone can give her a diagnosis this far, they have no idea why this is happening. I'm sitting here crying as I type this we just got out of an almost 6 hour er trip againand we just need an answer its seriously killing me to see her like this. I'm planning on scheduling her with a gi Dr kinda just hoping out of the thousands of people on here maybe someone has gone though something similar