Is this Ovulation?



I am new to NFP. I am 7 month postpartum and breastfeeding. Since I intruduced purees to my daughter, I noticed some changes in my body happen like cervical mucus changes etc.

So I started NFP as I want to get pregnant again.

My nights are often interrupted because I have to breastfeed my lo or she cries etc. I measure my temperature when I wake up and I at least got 1h sleep in a row and didn't went to the restroom etc. This can be at 5.30 oder 7 in the morning. It depends..

My question is, is it possible that I really had an ovulation or is this rising temperature due to the difference in measurement time?

As far as I can see I had low temperatures and high temperatures (on different days) at 6.15 - 6.30. So in my opinion it doesn't seem to, bother that much.

Adive is really appreciated!!!!