Question (Posted In Different Group Too!)

So I have this question about parenting. It’s nothing super major but I just want to hear people input about this. Okay so here’s the backstory I’m deathly allergic to peanuts so of course I can’t eat peanuts and I’m not suppose to even really be around peanuts because I get a really bad headache and makes me feel nauseous. In my family they still eat peanut butter around me which I’m use to and don’t really care because there is nothing I can do about it. One day my mom asked me to clean up her mess when she got done eating peanut butter. The top was opened and there was peanut butter all on the knife. This is where I start to get mad and say I shouldn’t really have to clean up her mess of peanut butter especially if I didn’t make the mess nor can I eat peanut butter. She then gets mad at me and instantly say “oh well when u have kids are u not going to feed them peanut butter because if so ur depriving ur kids of food” I was hurt when she said that because I feel she was questioning if I was going to be a bad mother. So I replied saying well why would I buy peanut butter in the first place if I can’t eat it i wouldn’t buy something I can’t have. I told her if I ever had a SO then yea he can buy it or if he asked me to buy it then yea. So she was like “well that’s bad parenting, if ur child wants it u give them that” and then she was like my grandma doesn’t like steak but she always fed her steak. I stayed quiet after that and I can admit I overreacted and started to cry a bit because I didn’t like how they compared my allergy to something they didn’t like especially when my life would be on the line because I don’t have an epi-pen. So my question to everyone is would this make anyone a bad parent if they didn’t give they child something that they couldn’t have because they are allergic? Does that mean they are depriving them of food? I know this is a stupid question and my mom is probably right and I know this is immature but I still just want an input.