Should I switch my OBGYN at 33 weeks?

So this isn’t an easy choice, and I know it’s a decision only I can make, but I need some input from other moms. Any advice is encouraged too please!

Backstory, I have an almost 2 year old. My OB with him was amazing! 30+ years experience, caring, he specialized me (gave me his personal number, which he NEVER does with other patients) and he came in on his weekend off to induce me. Hospital nurses during my son’s birth almost sent me in to get a C-section because my baby’s heart rate went down, my Dr stopped them and knew exactly what to do. I had a successful vaginal birth and a healthy baby.

In the beginning of 2020 I moved about an hour and a half away. Our insurance isn’t accepted where we moved to so I stuck with our old Drs. I got pregnant and decided to stay with my OBGYN until I figured out insurance here.

I finally got Medicaid now and I’m having a hard time deciding if I should switch OBs.

I’m almost 33 weeks, and driving 1 1/2 hours is getting hard for me and my husband. I have another appointment in 2 weeks, then every week until my induction at 38 weeks (4 apps in total including induction) some problems I’d have to figure out is my husband using his one day off a week to drive us back and forth, someone to take care of my son while I give birth if my mom can’t come from out of state due to COVID, and if my newborn or I have any complications and have to stay in the hospital longer. The hospital that my OB delivers discharges you after 24 hours if you and baby are healthy, but I’m thinking worst case scenario for planning sake


The problem is I absolutely love my OB now, and I feel so much safer knowing my health and my baby’s health would be in his hands during delivery. I just don’t know if I can feel this comfortable with another doctor this close to my due date.

I feel like staying with my OB is the selfish choice since my husband is the one who will have to drive back and forth, and since we’d have to leave our 2 year old with his uncle’s family until getting back after delivery. I just can’t decide.

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