Postpartum hair loss help!

Kylar • Mama to 1 💙 Baby #2 coming 6/2023 💗

Okay ladies, we've all heard of or experienced postpartum hair loss. I had my fair share and now I have brand new baby hairs growing in 😂 but I've been having a different issue too.

So before I was pregnant I could go a solid 4-5 days without washing my hair. By day 4 it definitely needed dry shampoo and if I pushed it to 5 then my hair was up or under a hat. Lol now, I can barely make it 2 days before my hair is a grease pit. I don't know what to do, washing it everyday is supposed to be bad for your hair but I can't be greasy...and it's baaad. Dry shampoo doesn't stand a chance against the ick.

Any mom's and/or hair stylist that had the same problem or know how to help?!