How to get baby off bottle

There’s different cups I’ve been trying. I tried one that she finally will drink out of but she liked to suck on the bottle nipple like it was a pacifier to go to sleep. This cups nipple is hard so she can’t do that anymore and I’m trying to completely take her off of the soft bottle nipples.. today is day one of refusing to give her the bottle and she is going nuts she hasn’t even taken her nap today because she wants her bottle. She keeps drinking out of the cup then crying and repeats.. she had a bad habit of sucking all the milk out of the bottle and she just sucks air after she’s done and falls asleep. She sometimes sucks the bottle while sleep too. which is completely not good. That has been her routine and I try not to let her do that but she is refusing so I’ve just been letting her cry it out today and I feel so bad.. what can I do? She’s 14 months