7 Week Old Won’t Sleep


When exactly do babies start sleeping at normal hours and for more than 2 hours at a time? I’m going insane with my 7 1/2 week old son. It takes about 6-8 hours every night to get him to go to sleep, and then he’s still waking up every 2 hours to nurse. I’m exhausted beyond belief. Every night his issue is that he needs to poop, so we go through all the poop maneuvers, sit in poop position until he gets frustrated and starts crying, so we go back to nursing even though he’s full. Then he nurses in a jerky and frustrated manner, kicking his legs all over while doing it, we stop, he pukes up everything he ate, we do our poop maneuvers again, no poop, back to nursing... repeat the cycle for 6-8 hours til stupid o’clock at night until he finally poops. Should I just switch to formula? Would that help with the pooping? He hates being swaddled so that’s not an option. He just spends hours kicking and flailing around at night needing to poop. I’m just at a loss of what else to do.