So mad at their school

My son is 5 yrs old and in kindergarten and my daughter is 13 yrs old and in 8th grade....They go to school Monday threw Thursday and distant learning on Friday....well last Friday as we are doing learning at home I get a call and it’s the school asking me how my sons cough is I was so confused and he was fine and I asked what do you mean and they said well yesterday towards the end of day he started to cough a little more and I was just so confused cuz he was fine not coughing at all other then a normal cough people do so I told them he’s not coughing he’s fine and they said no he was coughing yesterday in class and at the end of day said his throat hurt so I put my phone on speaker phone and asked my son “Does your throat hurt?” And he answered “NO” and then I asked him “were you coughing at school yesterday a lot?” And he said “No I wasn’t” well they continued to tell me he was and due to him having more then 2 symptoms he had to quarantine for 14 day or get that’s what we did I got the last testing appointment at a local (20 min away and not our normal clinic but it’s a centra care so it’s part of ours) and I was told 2-3 days for results well today is day 3 and NOTHING yet so for that my kids CANT go to school the last 2 days of school then winter son isn’t coughing I ask him the questions on symptoms and I do a taste test of something that I know he should taste and won’t like and he tastes it he gaged on mustard right away. Just hope tomorrow morning (12-22-20) I get the result so they can go back to school for a day and see their friends cuz this shit is dumb that he had to get tested for a cough he didn’t have and still don’t have.

I asked the helper who works with him and she said he wasn’t coughing anymore then a normal person or other kids. He hasn’t coughed or anything out of normal at home and we are in day 4 now without results when we were told 2-3 days so yea it is the schools fault having my kids doing distance learning isn’t good even for my son since we needs speech teacher and that and now he missed how many days from this bull crap.

We are also in Minnesota....,.our school is pretty much the only one in school full time besides Friday.