Subchorionic Hemorrhage


I debated on whether to share or not but we had a very scary morning on last Saturday. I was gushing out blood at lab (washroom) while I went for a blood work and urine test. I texted my hubby who was waiting in the car stating that I'm misscarrying our baby. I just wanted to be home as my pants were soaked in blood. But hubby dropped me off at the hospital as only one person is allowed due to Covid. I was in tears as I has assumed the worse after bleeding more than my heavy period. To my surprise baby was going good with 154 heartbeat. Im diagnosed with Subchorionic Hemorrhage which I've never heard of it before! Im still bleeding like period but there is no way to prevent or cure. If bleeding gets too heavy or unbearable cramps then, Im supposed to go to ER. Apparently, it's pretty common and most of the time people have healthy pregnancy otherwise and few end up miscarrying later. On Saturday, I would be 11w 1d.

Anyone had similar experience and ended up having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby? Would love to hear it. Thank you!