New parents in covid

My daughter was born oct25. Due to covid we had no help. Me and my husband are trying to manage her. He is working and i am maternity leave. Things are getting hard on us with her being handful.

My husband takes care of her and handles her. But he considers he is doing me a favor my taking care of her. Its an argument everyday that he isnt getting sleep and time to work. When its the same for me. He thinks i am wasting time to bath, cook or watch tv. Instead i can sleep then and take care of baby more. I am getting tierd of these arguments. He argues he needs 4 hrs of undisturbed sleep. How can i promise one withs 8 week old baby.

My parents are in india and we thought of taking her home. Now with covid i am doubting that and he always keeps pushing saying “its a one time risk, we are not giving her the best. With grandparents around you can relax and she will be taken care off”. I dont know what to do or how to convince him. When ever i complain for a day he acts good. Next day its the same. I am tierd and not had one single day to care for myself.

I dont know whom to talk to about all these or where i can find any help.