Post partum depression

Tw: self harm & ppd

I'm 3 months post partum & haven't really experienced any bad symptoms of ppd until the last 2 weeks. I just have thus awful feeling some days (mostly when I'm home) just sad,bad feelings, im irritated more often with my hubby, I have random times where I just cry. My baby isn't too bad, alot calmer then the first month, I

He sleeps better since 2 months. But I don't like this feeling I get, ruins my days. I haven't talked to my dr yet but I've done therapy before for my ocd & anxiety but that's not an option right now as I don't have the time to go to appts, I don't drive so its hard for me to get around & I don't wanna expose my son to covid. I'm a home body so going out always gives me anxiety & since I've had my baby I HATE sharing him, can't do it, im not ready to leave him for more then 10 mins. He makes me feel better & I don't have any bad self harm thoughts which is great because as a teenager I did self harm.

I do not want to be on meds either, im just not comfortable with the idea, it's not something I feel would work for me just because I really do not want to be on them.

My question is

Does anyone have any tips on how to feel better & get through this without counseling or meds

Will my dr give me no choice but to go on meds &/or counseling?

Will social services get in contact with me because of my ppd?

How long had ppd lasted for you?

Thank you