Would you stay at the job just for money


So I’m very unhappy in my job. I stress out about going nearly everyday. I feel as if I have lost myself and my life just evolves around work. I wish I had made more of my life as I’m stuck in a dead end retail job😕 I’m 20 years old and I feel as if I shouldn’t be feeling like this. Atm I’m off because of having Bering in contact with a corona case and have to go back on Tuesday.

I have 10k saved but feel that if I quit then I failed. My dream job is working in the dentistry as a dental nurse and there is an apprenticeship that I could apply for but I’m overthinking and if I quit and don’t get the apprenticeship then I’m left with no job.

I just feel like I am not coping anymore and I want to make a better life for myself as I’m still so young but I’m so stressed that if I quit then I won’t have an income

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