BV and Yeast Infection during pregnancy, HELP!

So doctor hasn’t called yet but my results uploaded and it looks like I have BV, yeast infection or both? Anyways

Sometime between my Pap smear from my first prenatal visit October 29th and now, December 23 I got an infection and now I’m freaking out it’s been left untreated too long! Luckily I asked to be tested because I tend to be asymptotic when I get yeast infections, never had BV so when I ready that women are very prone to them in pregnancy I requested the swab for peace of mind and turns out I actually do have something.

Anyways I’m freaking out, because like said above I could’ve had it for 2 months or a week and not known and I’m afraid it’s been left untreated for too long and is going to harm baby!

Anyways have experience with this! Some positive stories to tell to calm a first time mom down?!